Johannes de Wasia biography 

Johannes de Wasia. Iohannes de Waes. Jan de Waes. Johannes of Wasia. Jan von Waes. Jean Waes.

Johannes de Wasia was born in Saleghem (between Beveren and Verrebroek). He moved to Paris to study. He is already Magister artium in 1376 (f.16r: M. Io. De Wasia, anno 76). He's also the head of the Sorbonne College. Around 1378 he left Paris and established in Koekelare (Flanders) where he became curatus at St. Walpurga. In 1389 he's in Koln where he teaches theology at the newly founded university. In 1393 he became the first Dean of the Theology Faculty and rector of the university (1393- 24 martie 1394). He died in Koln in 1395.

Pfeil, Brigitte, ‚Mosaiksteine‘ zur Geschichte der ‚Bibliotheca Amploniana‘, p.21-23 ( ).

Pattin, Adriaan, "Jan van Waes" in Nationaal Biografisch Woordenboek, VI, 1005-1007, 1974.  

Schmitz, Wilhelm, Die Matrikel der Universitat Koln, I, Hermann Behrendt, Bonn, 1892, p. 81.

Eifler, Matthias, "Mittelalterliche lateinische Handschriften der Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek in Kontext der europaischen Geistesgeschichte", in Hellmut Th. Seeman, Europa in Weimar. Visionem eines Kontinents. jahrbuch der Klassik Stiftung Weimar, Gottingen, Wallstein Verlag, 2008 .

Stegmuller, vol. 1, p. 247.

Johannes de Wasia news

The transcription of the Prologue is finished.